Research from the Northwestern University and UCLA found that Viagra helped women orgasm by increasing their blood flow, though it did not treat their emotional desire for sex.
Since the elusive female orgasm is mostly mental, they were still barking up the wrong tree, or, make that the wrong plant.
According to a recent survey, the cure for a lagging female libido might be zol.
HelloMD, the “leading digital healthcare platform for the cannabis industry,” asked 1,400 medical marijuana patients in California about their use and weren’t too stoned to crunch the numbers. says they didn’t specifically ask subjects if they used weed for sex, but 14 percent reported using it to enhance their sex lives and 47 percent used it to improve their mood, seemingly a turn-on for everyone involved.
While more men are using weed than women (64% vs 36%), women beat out men when it came to using it for sex (8% versus 4%).
If nothing else, having the conversation will remind her you care about her sexual experiences as much as your own, which will come in handy if you ever want her to share her weed with you.